A telecentric line scanning system: requirements in the macroscopic and microscopic regime

F. Loosen1, N. Lindlein1, K. Donner2
1 Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Staudtstraße 7/B2, 91058 Erlangen; 2 alfavision GmbH & Co. KG, Freyunger Straße 4, 94116 Hutthurm
Last year (lecture A28 - 115th DGaO annual meeting), we presented the concept of a compact and modular telecentric line scanning system, capable of measuring large surfaces, e.g. for deformation and scratch detection of aluminium rolled sheets. In this particular construction, a circular scan curve is imaged onto one line. Because of the modular design of the system, this system could be considered in an inline process as well. To be applicable either in macroscopic or microscopic regime, both single components (torus mirror and imaging system) as well as the complete system have to be configured accordingly. Using optical simulation tools, the characteristic parameters of the line scanner can be determined accurately. Due to field curvature and distortion, off-axis beams can distort the image on the detector (line camera) significantly. Therefore, a special interest was paid to the influence of the quality of the image points concerning the enlargement of the field angle and the imaging on the detector plane.
Optisches Design, Optische Systeme, Messtechnik
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116. Tagung, Poster: P16