Light propagation through uniaxial and biaxial crystals: a fully vectorial simulation technique

S. Zhang, F. Wyrowski
Applied Computational Optics Group, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
We present a fully vectorial approach to simulate propagation of electromagnetic fields through arbitrarily oriented anisotropic crystals. This approach is based on angular spectrum of plane waves. It takes the refraction at a plane interface between isotropic and anisotropic media, and the diffraction inside anisotropic media into consideration. Our technique enables rigorous simulations of general fields, e.g., a focused laser beam, propagation through a uniaxial crystal polarizer, in which obvious local polarization effects appear. We also demonstrate simulations on conical refractions when light propagates along the optical axes of biaxial crystals. This technique can be well incorporated into the concept of field tracing, which allows a complete simulation of an optical system with anisotropic media involved.
Theoretical Foundations, Optical Design, Optical Systems
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116. Tagung, Poster: P20