Smooth field decomposition and its application to scattering modelling

O. Baladron-Zorita1, H. Zhong1, M. Kuhn2, F. Wyrowski1
1Applied Computational Optics Group, Friedrich Schiller University Jena; 2LightTrans GmbH
In this work, the authors present a decomposition of electromagnetic fields whose defining characteristic is a smooth truncation to each subfield, mathematically realised with a cosine function. This smooth edge is vital for sampling considerations, and desirable for many other reasons. The applications where this method proves advantageous are many and very varied. Such unrelated objectives as handling of non-paraxial light, improvement of simulation efficiency, and increase in simulation accuracy by reducing the region of action of geometrical optics can all be achieved (under different conditions) by the proposed technique. To illustrate this manifold potential we discuss two different scattering modelling situations: (1) light interacts with a scattering centre and (2) field propagates through a refractive freeform surface including the scattering effect due to the surface roughness. In both cases, we discuss the underlying theory and the importance of the field decomposition technique. Simulation examples demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach.
Optical Systems, Surfaces
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116. Tagung, Vortrag: B17, Donnerstag 28.05.2015,B