Optical Through-Silicon Waveguides for 3D-Chip-Interconnections

F. Villasmunta1 3, P. Steglich1 2, F. Heinrich1, C. Villringer1, A. Mai1 2, S. Schrader1, H. Schenk3 4
1 Technische Hochschule Wildau, Hochschulring 1, 15745 Wildau, Germany; 2 IHP – Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, Im Technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt(Oder), Germany; 3 Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany; 4Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems, Maria-Reiche-Straße 2, 01109 Dresden, Germany
Integrated optical interconnections in silicon chips have the potential to replace electrical interconnects between integrated circuits thanks to their high bandwidth and low energy communication promises. A silicon dielectric waveguide can be etched through the full thickness of a silicon substrate providing a monolithically integrated solution for 2.5D and 3D photonic architectures. The optical through-silicon waveguide design presented here is based on Finite Difference Time Domain simulations, while the fabrication takes advantage of the innovative plasma cryo-etching process that provides smooth sidewalls and tapering angle tunability. Such structures can provide effective mode size conversion, therefore favoring the coupling of external light sources to photonic integrated circuits and the stacking of multiple optically interconnected dies.
Integrated Optics, Micro Optics, Optical Information Transmission
124. Tagung, Poster: P16